timeblock® NUTRITION
Award-Winning Natural Anti-Ageing Supplement

Revolutionising Anti-Ageing
timeblock® started out as a cancer-prevention research in Switzerland. After over 20 years of research and developing new unique biotechnological processes that obtain the most nutrients from Mother Nature, timeblock® was successfully launched in 2016. Today, timeblock® is known to reverse biological ageing and slow down the physical signs of ageing at the DNA level, as well as lower the risk of cancer.
As findings showed that low CO2 levels in the air was essential for microfauna to obtain perfect pH levels that result in optimal herbal nutrients, the Swiss Bluezone Research Team turned their attention to the Blue Zone regions where 108 species were identified and rigorously tested. Amazing anti-ageing and cancer protective properties of the phytosubstances obtained from these plants were discovered and used in the formulation of timeblock®.
The main active ingredients in timeblock® are cultivated in organic farming conditions in Tibet, Bhutan, Peru and blue zone regions in the south of Italy and Japan at high altitudes of more than 2,000 metres where there is a low C02 content in the air, and soils are deep and fertile, ensuring optimal phytosubstances are used.
Combining Nature's best with a unique drying process specially developed by the team of scientists ensures a high concentration of active substances, up to 10 times higher than average, is encapsulated in every timeblock® capsule.

Nutrient-Dense Superfoods
timeblock® Ingredients Cultivated and Grown By Swiss Bluezone Research Group
Barley Grass
Specially grown in the highlands of Bhutan. It contains molecules for cell rejuvenation and contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative stress and free radicals.
Provides a high content of the protective substances lutein and zeaxanthin, and improves eyesight and eye health.
Green Tea (First-Flush Quality)
Contains 50% Epigallocatechin Gallate (ECGC) which possesses strong antioxidant properties and polyphenols. Stimulates metabolism and the health of the mitochondria.
*First flush refers to the very first plucking of a tea plant's harvest season.
Wheat Grass
Grown in the highlands of Bhutan. Contains cell rejuvenation molecules and provides vitamin C, which contributes to regular collagen formation for the regular functioning of cartilage.
A strong antioxidant that has a cell renewal effect.
Brown Algae
Contains folate for a strong immune system.
Grape Seed
Contains vitamin B12 for better cell division.
Shiitake Mushroom
Provides plenty of vitamin D3, strengthens the immune system and plays a role in the cell division process.

Power-Packed Phytonutrients in a Daily Dose
The quality of phytonutrients also known as the immune system of plants differs and is significantly affected by the environment in which they grow in. timeblock® only uses the very best phytonutrients from plants grown in the high altitudes of Blue Zone regions which ensures you get only the very best of Nature.
A daily dose of timeblock® consists of 2 capsules - 1 day and 1 night capsule, and is equivalent to nearly 8kg of raw fruits and vegetables, and 3 litres of green tea.
Thiamine - Promotes healthy regulation of the nervous system
Biotin - Nourishes hair, skin and nails. Increases energy and activates metabolism.
Tocopherols and Tocotrienols - Protect cells again oxidative stress which can cause premature ageing.
Foliate - Boosts the immune system against environmental aggressors and malfunctioning cells.
Other Nutrients:
Vitamin B6
Pantothenic Acid
Vitamin B12
Vitamin K
Epigallocatechin Gallate

timeblock® Day Capsule
Main Phytonutrients
Wheat Grass Extract 100 mg (Grown in Bhutan)
Green Tea Extract 180 mg (Grown in Japan)
Barley Grass Extract 200 mg (Grown in Bhutan)
Other Ingredients
Vitamin E (24 mg), Folic Acid (600 mcg), Q10 Coenzyme (30 mg), Vitamin D3 (15 mcg), Vitamin B1 (1.7 mg), Vitamin B2 (2.1 mg), Niacin (24 mg), Vitamin B5 (9 mg), Biotin (75 mcg), Vitamin B6 (2.1 mg), Vitamin B12 (3.8 mcg), Selenium (27.5 mcg), Magnesium (150 mg)
1. Skin radiance
2. Increased energy and metabolism levels
3. Delay in the ageing process at the DNA level
4. Cell protection against harmful free radicals
5. Collagen production
6. Regulates blood sugar level
7. Promotes gut health and digestion
8. Boosts brain health

timeblock® Night Capsule
Main Phytonutrients
Algae Extract 50 mg
Grape Seed Extract 60 mg
Marigold Extract 50 mg
Lycopene 10 mg
Wheat Grass Extract 50 mg (Grown in Bhutan)
Shiitake Extract 100 mg
Other Ingredients
Vitamin B1 (1.7 mg), Vitamin B2 (2.1 mg), Niacin (24 mg), Vitamin B5 (9 mg), Biotin (75 mcg), Vitamin K (225 mcg), Vitamin B6 (2.1 mg), Vitamin B12 (3.8 mcg), Selenium (27.5 mcg), Zinc (10 mg), Magnesium (150 mg)
1. Collagen formation
2. Renewal of cells
3. Fortified immne system
4. Cell protection against harmful free radicals
5. Optimised nocturnal metabolism
6. Improved cognitive functions
7. Improved eyesight and eye health
8. Produces DNA
9. Promotes heart health